Note: I am having some trouble accessing these MSM threads for some reason. Sometimes I get through and at other times, I don't. So, I am replying on the F.G. site.
Yes, I did follow the Levin stories with great interest. Some of the accounts were quite detailed. This was in remarkable contrast to the non-coverage in the same media when the November and December 2015 hearings took place.
This strikes me as quite strange. Looking from the outside, it appears that there seems to be some kind of internal change of policy or outright confusion in the Postmedia papers.
Aside from the stories being carried in those papers, formerly, quite a few of my postings were deleted. They carried info about the topic. And they carried related info when someone asked me a question.
For instance, one poster was claiming that sex ed had reduced abortions. I then made a posting informing that person that there is no standard for reporting abortions in Canada and some jurisdictions don't require private clinics to report. Further, I told that person that Dalton McGuinty stopped the publication of abortion numbers in Ontario out of bogus privacy concerns. I noted that the Progs are probably embarrassed to let the public know how many abortions are being performed in Ontario. And that posting was wiped out.
Currently, many (but not all) of my postings are printed when I am able to access the thread.
By the way, I was out of town for awhile in early March. But, I had made a few postings on the F.G. thread. I called them to your attention but I am not sure you saw them. Take a look.