You might recall the trial of a naked guy who wanted to get served at a Tim's drive through in the area of Bracebridge, Ontario.
Clayton Ruby, who continually brings opprobrium on the legal profession, and makes a mockery of the justice system, 'defended' the guy. But, the judge wasn't buying Ruby's silliness that his client was not naked because he was wearing sandals. Ruby continued that his client is a 'naturist' and likes to go about without clothes. So to prohibit his client's preferences, would be violating his Charter Rights! See the following:
"Coldin’s lawyers, Nader Hasan and Clayton Ruby, argued in court last summer that their client’s Charter right to free expression had been violated because he was wearing sandals when he appeared naked in public, so he wasn’t actually nude, and that as a “naturist” he believed in wearing as little clothing as possible."