Adrian, I think you are missing the point Faith is trying to make, possibly because I don't see her context in your reply.
I believe her context is that feminists make these shootings by men against women to be acts of aggression by testosterone laden chauvinistic men with some chip on their shoulder to keep women oppressed and by extension all men are equal in the regards which is why women must be ever vigilant, basically against men. Yet if that were true, that all men are some how testosterone laden pigs with some chip on their shoulder, then why didn't any of the men act on it when Lepine walked down the hall passed the men he dismissed? They didn't cheer him on in support, nor did they do anything to stop him.
This would suggest that men, contrary to the feminist claims, are not driven by hormones but, like women in similar situations, driven by preservation of life.
Of course, I could be wrong.