The Deputy Minister of Education has wide-ranging responsibilities and the mandate to influence ANY and ALL parts of Ontario education.
If a Premier wanted to emphasize 'computer technology', the Premier would find a Deputy Minister who could introduce and spread computer technology throughout all aspects of the Ontario curriculum. If a Premier wanted to emphasize 'environmental issues', the Premier would find a Deputy Minister who could introduce and spread environmental issues throughout all aspects of the Ontario curriculum.
Kathleen Wynne wanted to introduce sexual practices which were not mainstream. Wynne is a radical lesbian who wants to mainstream homosexual practices. If ALL of society is engaging in homosexual practices, then 'society' has given its stamp of approval to such abnormal practices. And thus, homosexuals are 'mainstream'. Thus, Wynne, went looking for a Deputy Minister who could do that. That Deputy Minister was Ben Levin.
One of the ways which you get people to accept sexual practices which are not mainstream is that you break down their inhibitions to such practices. You 'groom' them. Grooming was the technique used by Levin in his porn interests and with his providing 'advice' on how to sexually assault a child. That was revealed in the court papers when Levin pleaded guilty to three of seven charges. As follows:
"June, 2013, Levin was contacted again by the Toronto cop — Det. Const. Janelle Blackadar — who said she was feeling sexually attracted to her 8-year-old daughter but needed some guidance on how to initiate sex with the child. Levin instructed the woman on how to groom the girl to get her “used” to sex — exposing the daughter to pornography and masturbating in front of the child." The foregoing from: 'There is a great deal for Ben Levin to be shame-faced about': Rosie Dimanno (Toronto Star: 2015.03.03)
Wynne has contributed to trying to lower sexual inhibitions by introducing Gay Straight Alliances into our schools to ostensibly help kids who think that they are being bullied because they are Gay. Well, what of all the other kids who are bullied? If Wynne was concerned about 'bullying', she would have developed a program to deal with the issue of bullying for all kids. But she didn't.
Wynne is also trying to lower sexual inhibitions by allowing the Toronto Gay Pride Parade to have participants who are parading naked, and some who are engaging in actual or simulated sex acts. And Metro Toronto police chief, Bill Blair, has obviously taken his marching orders from her by not prosecuting the lawbreakers. Further, she puts her stamp of approval on it by marching PROUDLY in that Parade with fellow homosexual, and Liberal cabinet Minister, Glen Murray. Other liberal progressives also put their approval on that Parade by marching in it: Andrea Horwath, Tom Mulcair, Justin Trudeau, John Tory, and others. This is what liberal progressives think is 'right'.
Joe Warmington has had several articles in the Toronto Sun which presented letters written by Ben Levin and which demonstrated his enthusiasm for his mandate and his connection to the curriculum. Thus:
"In a 2009 newsletter, the then-deputy minister said he was “responsible
for ... everything that they do” and to “implement” the “new” approach....
On March 6, 2009, Levin wrote and signed a memo that put himself in charge of Ontario’s school curriculum.
“Dear colleagues, I am writing to provide an update on our sector’s agenda
... I will be filling the ADM (assistant deputy minster) position previously held by George Zegarac ... The division formerly headed by George Zegarac will be renamed as ‘Learning and Curriculum.’ It will have responsibility for curriculum and for Special Education including Provincial Schools.”...
Then on April 6, 2009, Levin penned a memo saying, “Today, the ministry released its new equity and inclusive education strategy paper ... This province wide strategy has been a priority for our Minister of Education Kathleen Wynne and me.”...
On June 24, 2009, Levin wrote that the “Realizing the Promise of Diversity:
Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy” sets out a “vision
for an equitable and inclusive education system.” He wrote “the
principles of equity and inclusive education should be embedded into all
aspects of board and high school operations including program,
employment, research, curriculum, resources, instructional and
assessment practices.”'
The sex ed curriculum is a Ben Levin - Kathleen Wynne curriculum. And it is designed to cater to Wynne's homosexual community in order to currently make them 'feel good' and, in the long run, to bring society onside by making homosexual practices mainstream.
Note: Kathleen Wynne is a life-scarred person who is working out her demons on society in general, and our children in particular. For some insight into the chaos of her life, she was featured in the first chapter of a book written about failed marriages and collapsing families.
A snapshot: Wynne is married and lives with her husband and three children. Her girlfriend, Jane, moves in with her. Wynne's husband moves into the basement.That chapter can be read online. See: Reconcilable Differences; Kate Cochran (2007).